Raw Sausage
Obtained via:
- Processed from Raw Pork
- Possible drop from any size Grocery Haul
- Used to craft recipes
Raw Shrimp
Sea roaches.
Obtained via:
- Processed from Shrimp
- Possible drop from any size Grocery Haul
- Used to craft recipes
Gummy, gooey, and golden!
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from a Fruit Basket
- Used to craft certain recipes
- Phoenix' Manifest
Aged Rune
It looks like it's seen better days.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies age related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.\
- Young
- Middle-Aged
- Old
- Ancient
- Immortal
- Zombie
- Elderly
- Fossil
- Walking Relic
- Midlife Crisis
- Not Dead Yet
Pungent Rune
God... why does it smell like that???
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies smell related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Sweet-Smelling
- Stinky
- Clean Smelling
- Smells like Death
- Floral
- Earthy
- Musky
- Oceanic
- Spiced
- Smoky
- Stinkbomb
- Smells like Trouble
- Suspiciously Scentless
- Walking Incense
Mini Rune
Fits in the center of your palm!
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies height related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Tiny
- Short
- Average Height
- Tall
- Towering
- Colossal
- Pocket Sized
- Knee High Nightmare
- Smol
- Small but Mighty
- Too Tall for Doorways
- Vertically Challenged
Chunky Rune
It's got a heft to it.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies body type related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Featherlight
- Lean
- Average
- Sturdy
- Heavyset
- Fat
- Muscular
- Slender
- Stocky
- Lithe
- Barrel Chested
- Voluptuous
- Built Like a Brick Shithouse
- Twigs for Limbs
- All Muscle, No Fat
- All Fat, No Muscle
- Soft and Squishy
- Walking Wall
- Beanpole
- Absolute Unit
Mysterious Rune
There's a strange energy coming from it...
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies fear factor related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Harmless
- Creepy
- Unnerving
- Intimidating
- Menacing
- Ominous Presence
- Shadowy Figure
- Silent Watcher
- Looks Scary, but Isn't
- Suspicious
- Nightmare Fuel
- Cryptic
- Eerie
Ponderous Rune
Really makes you think.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies mindset related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Optimist
- Pessimist
- Realist
- Nihilist
- Dreamer
- Schemer
- Stoic
- Cynic
- Idealist
- Overthinker
- Doomer
- Master of Vibes
- Unhinged
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Perpetual Existential Crisis
Coin Shaped Rune
Thought it was one, honestly. Bummer!
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies work related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Unemployed
- Employed
- Freelancer
- Overworked
- Retired
- Hardworking
- Self-Made
- Apprentice
- Workaholic
- Hustler
- Caffeinated
- Jack of All Trades
- "In a Meeting"
Rare Rune
Maybe it's worth something?
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies wealth related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Penniless
- Well Off
- Wealthy
- Filthy Rich
- Hoarder
- Gambler
- Frugal
- Cheap
- Broke
- Indebted to the Mafia
- Wallet Full of Dust
- Coin Gremlin
- Rags to Riches
- Suspiciously Wealthy
Egg Rune
Doesn't taste like one...
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies dietary preference related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Vegetarian
- Pescatarian
- Carnivore
- Cannibal
- Picky Eater
- Glutton
- Snacker
- You Gonna Eat Your Pickle?
- Bottomless Pit
- Survives on Instant Ramen
- Tarrare Reincarnated
- Wine Snob
- Will Eat Anything Once
Midnight Rune
You can find them at any time, really.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies sleep habit related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Early Riser
- Insomniac
- Night Owl
- Heavy Sleeper
- Light Sleeper
- Restless
- Always Tired
- Sleep-Deprived
- Sleeps like the Dead
- Oversleeper
- Never Sleeps
- Nap Enthusiast
Lucky Rune
Flip it like a coin and make a wish! Heads, it comes true—tails... the opposite happens.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies luck related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Lucky
- Unlucky
- Fortunate
- Cursed
- Blessed
- Fated
- Doomed
- Destined for Greatness
- Unluckiest Luckiest Person
- Luckiest Unlucky Person
- Coinflip Luck
- Bad Omen
- Good Omen
- The Universe's Punching Bag
- Shouldn't Have Survived That
Badge Rune
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies reputation related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Unknown
- Famous
- Infamous
- Notorious
- Revered
- Pariah
- Well-Respected
- Renowned
- Legendary
- Controversial
- Forgotten
- Feared
- Hated
- Beloved
- Household Name
- Misunderstood
- Bad Rep
Traded Rune
Looks like it's been around the block.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from Pile of Runes
- Applies social habit related titles to a character. One title per use. Please note, titles cannot currently be removed after they are applied without staff help.
- Introvert
- Extrovert
- Awkward
- Social Butterfly
- Loner
- Recluse
- Stranger
- Oversharer
- Antisocial
- Everyone's Friends
- Avoids Eye Contact
- Wallflower
Lost Page
It looks like it fell out of a book...
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Quest Item for the "A Guide to Vythrosa: Beginner's Tutorial" Quest
Purchaseable At:
Warmyear Manifests Catalog
Who said you can't make a potion that lets you sprout wings?
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Unlocks the ability to craft the following Warmyear seasonal manifests:
- Phoenix' Manifest
- Volcano's Manifest
- Sakura's Manifest
- Flutter's Manifest
- Flora's Manifest
- Druid's Manifest
- Beetle's Manifest
- Bee's Manifest
Coolyear Manifests Catalog
Who said you can't make a potion that lets you sprout wings?
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Unlocks the ability to craft the following Warmyear seasonal manifests:
- Arachnid's Manifest
- Reaper's Manifest
- Ghost's Manifest
- Shadow's Manifest
- Siren's Manifest
- Mushroom's Manifest
- Gargoyle's Manifest
Yearlong Manifests Catalog
Who said you can't make a potion that lets you sprout wings?
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Unlocks the ability to craft the following all year manifests:
- Insect's Manifest
- Pegasus' Manifest
- Spellbinder's Manifest
- Season's Manifest
- Devil's Manifest
- Celestia's Manifest
- Blood's Manifest
- Angel's Manifest