Black Pepper
Lemme put on my lemon peppa steppas and we can get to cookin'.
You thought this stuff was expensive on Earth? It's even pricier here on Vythrosa.
Sprinkle it on some advice and bam, you've got a foolproof plan.
Vanilla Beans
You can soak these in alcohol and make extract.
Fish Oil
I squeezed every drop of this outta that fish myself, thanka you very much.
Sugar Cubes
How many cubes would you like in your tea? ... SIXTY EIGHT?!
Chili Powder
Add a bit of... spice!
A very versatile pod spice most commonly used in tea on Vythrosa.
Brie Cheese
With this cheese, adding flavor to your food will be a brie-ze.
Ah, butter. What can't this cooking staple be used for?
Coconut Cream
Thicker and oilier than coconut milk, this stuff is ready to spice up any creation.
Coconut Milk
How does one milk a coconut?
The starting point of many meals, dough is ready to be molded into almost anything. What will you make this time?
Ready to be whipped into shape, or mixed into many dishes.
Gouda Cheese
Some might say this cheese is pretty goud-a, but others would disabrie.
Havarti Cheese
A delicious cheese that's worth having a taste of.
Another cooking staple, you can't go wrong with some eggs.
Ready to drink, or use in your next dish.
Pasta Dough
A versatile dough-- this type is meant for pasta, but which pasta is up to your liking.
Raw Milk
Milk can be drank raw, but it's not advisable.