What a lucky find! Crack it open and see what's inside.
Obtained via:
- Slightly legendary find during foraging in Icebrook
- Drops 3 random rare solids when opened
Waterlogged Barrel
Not sure how you managed to fish this thing up, but grab a crowbar and see what's in it!
Obtained via:
- Can be fished
- Extremely rare find during foraging in Icebrook
- Drops 3 random fishing related items
Floating Stash
Who thought it was a good idea to hide their treasure in a wooden box in the river?
Obtained via:
- Can be fished
- Drops any one of the following:
- Light sum of Paiwa
- Small amount of Crystars
- Very low chance of dropping x20 Fishbones
Fruit Basket
Sometimes you just need a little sweetness in your life.
Obtained via:
- Purchase at Grounds Market
- Drops 3 random fruits
Fountain's Fortune
Whisper your wish to the fountain’s glow, and ancient energy will let its gifts flow.
Obtained via:
- Purchase at the Fountain of Fortune
- Grants one random in game item with a chance to drop the currently featured Allies
Veggie Basket
Guess it's time to start eating healthy.
Obtained via:
- Drops 3 random vegetables
Mushroom Basket
For when you have fungal needs, but you're not yet sure what kind.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 3 random mushrooms
Discarded Runes
Someone either left these behind or failed at creating a magic circle.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 1 random rune. Runes can be used on characters to apply various descriptive cosmetic titles, such as 'Sleepy' and 'Vegetarian'.
Small Grocery Haul
You got everything you needed to make dinner, but now you're too tired to.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 3 random cooking materials belonging to the following subcategories: Dairy & Dough, Meats, Nuts & Grains, and Pantry
Medium Grocery Haul
The fridge was looking a little empty...
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 6 random cooking materials belonging to the following subcategories: Dairy & Dough, Meats, Nuts & Grains, and Pantry
Large Grocery Haul
For when you're hosting a dinner party and expecting 20 guests.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 10 random cooking materials belonging to the following subcategories: Dairy & Dough, Meats, Nuts & Grains, and Pantry
Small Material Crate
Who knows what weird things you can make!
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 3 random crafting materials
Medium Material Crate
One man's junk is another man's treasure.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 6 random crafting materials
Large Material Crate
Surely, you can invent the next wheel with whatever you find in this crate.
Obtained via:
- Purchased at the Grounds Market
- Drops 10 random crafting materials
This stuff REALLY glows! Hope you're not allergic to dust.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from any size Material Crate
- Foraged in Naramuni
- Used to craft certain recipes
- Bavourim Ingot
Mountain Water
They say one taste of this water will have you buying bottles of it for the rest of your life.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from any size Material Crate
- Foraged in the Mystic's Forest
- Used to craft certain recipes
- Pure Menaozerine
Bavourium Ore
The color of this ore may be pretty but its produces a rather odd smelling metal.
Obtained via:
- Foraging in Abandoned PCSPC, The Otherside, Naramuni
- Mining
Ground Grom Leaves
These leaves produce a pungent scent when ground up, so watch your nose.
Obtained via:
- Possible drop from any size Material Crate
- Foraged in the Golden City
- Used to craft certain recipes
- Traditional Tincture
Menaozerine Core
An odd stone that has mysterious properties not yet fully understood. It's shiny!
Obtained via:
- Foraging in Icebrook, Naramuni
- Mining
Magmatic Dust
It's not as hot as it sounds but you should definitely wear gloves when handling this stuff.
Obtained via:
- Crafted
- Used to craft certain recipes
- Heatsink Powder