🐠 Aquaculture 🐠


Aquaculture is a massive industry across Vythrosa, most commonly seen in the cold regions where the most valuable export is fish. This field covers a variety of aquatic related occupations, everything from fishing to environmentalism. Like other industries directly related to the acquisition and production of raw materals, there are heavy regulations in place to prevent over-harvesting. But similarly again, fishing in local lakes and ponds is not prohibited; citizens just need to take care to ensure they have the required permits for the type of fishing they intend to do.

Surprisingly, aquaculture is one of the few primarily federal run industries that doesn't see a lot of help from PZHs. Commercial fishing is mostly done by regular Vythrosan citizens, especially kaarmesusi nowadays, who are naturally great in water. For those interested in the broader water related industry, there are several jobs not necessarily about fishing they could look into. 

Plenty of viable careers fall under aquaculture:

  • Fishing (deep-sea, freshwater, arctic, etc) - anything related to catching wild fish on or off coast via rods, nets, and so on
  • Aquatic farming (seaweed, kelp, etc) - growing and harvesting aquatic plants and algaes, even barnacles
  • Hatcheries (fish, crustacean, aquatic mammal farms) - sustainable breeding, hatching, and growing of aquatic animals for various industries
  • Aquatic development (constructing dams, lakes, resevoirs, etc) - building and maintaining various bodies of water for a multitude of purposes
  • Diving (underwater maintenance, seafloor harvesting, etc) - working underwater for certain jobs